The "Next Step" for Boys & Girls Ages 6 and Up
Professional Coaching for Teams, Leagues, Group Training and 1on1 Sessions.
This is a great opportunity for your child to experience a fun yet competitive soccer environment where our Professional Coaches teach a unique system focusing on dribbling fakes and moves, goal scoring and individual brilliance! Our training system creates a positive environment where players are encouraged to be game changers and develop into brave, creative leaders both on and off the field. It's guaranteed to be a great soccer experience!
About Us
The Legends Club teaches world class dribbling and finishing skills to better prepare players for the highest level of play. It utilizes accepted practice in childhood education and child psychology. It profits from the benefits of skill compounding. It involves the two skills that are easiest to practice at home and most motivating to players. It focuses on the skills that develop great self-belief and leadership.
It emphasizes risk and the individual win instead of safety first and the team statistic. It trains the total soccer player not the limited positional player. It trains the ability vital to making big plays that guarantee selection to the higher levels of play, i.e. representative and professional teams. It refutes the instant gratification win now, pay later mentality that permeates modern society. It demands great failure on the road to great success. It creates players of amazing perception and skill.
Soccer games are often decided by a series of 1v1 contests all over the field. The world's best players both past and present like Ronaldo, Maradona, Johan Cruyff, Zidane and Ronaldinho, all had "Legendary 1v1 Moves" that gave them the EDGE over defenders in 1v1 situations. It's these moves that separated them from other players and helped them become the best players in the world. Practicing and perfecting these Legendary 1v1 Moves will give you improved confidence in your game and make you a better team player by giving you an EDGE over your opponent.
Our coaches are committed to nurturing the self-concept of every child in our program by guaranteeing first individual, then team success.
Their commitment is to encourage brave, creative leadership in every player.
We will support children to dare greatly and not be afraid to make mistakes!As a result no risk will be feared- on or off the field.
This child-first mentality is exclusive to the Legends Soccer Club. Legends players experience no guilt, no shame, and no blame!
Our history
Founded in 1989, the Legends Soccer Club organization started in Kansas City and now has sister clubs throughout the nation. The hallmark of all Legends teams is superb individual skill, notably deceptive dribbling and goal scoring.
The Legends Club has an Academy teaching world class dribbling and finishing skills to better prepare players for the highest level of play. Since the inception of the Legends club teams with a majority of Legends trained players have won over 50 Kansas & Missouri State championships, placed 5 times in the USYSA National Championship Final Four (winning once), won 14 National Indoor Championships plus numerous other prestigious national tournaments.
Why it Works!
Superskills & Spirit - Why It Works!
If you've never taken the time to break down the benefits of SUPERSKILLS & SPIRIT, read this. The numbers alone pretty much tell the story. The program is designed to rapidly improve the player's deceptive dribbling ability on the ball and make him or her a tremendous goal scorer. This is done through the combination of 5 different elements of learning: demonstration, repetition, correction, reinforcement, and experimentation. Each of the elements come into play within the 60 minute program. The program is divided into Three separate but related segments of activity with a logical progression:
The warm-up fun soccer game
Moves and fakes or shooting
Micro Soccer or fun soccer game
However, one thing that will become evident to the observer is that there will be different rates of work among the participants. SUPERSKILLS & SPIRIT is definitely one of those activities that "you get out of it exactly what you put into it".
During the skill reps segments a player will touch the ball constructively over 1,000 times in 50 minutes! That's a lot of work on the ball in a short period of time. Now contrast that with this: did you know that if you were to play one, 40 minute indoor league game per week, and you were fortunate enough to be on a team with just enough players to have two lines and a keeper (most teams have more), you would actually be playing only 20 minutes of soccer (half a game) each week? And of those 20 minutes you would be touching the ball for less than 1 1/2 minutes. For the week! Even if you're playing twice a week in leagues, you're still only on the ball for less than 3 minutes a week! That's not enough time to increase your comfort level on the ball.
Small-sided games are the best way for players to combine nearly all elements of the game. The fewer the players, the more game-conditioned touches. And you get these multiple touches in a live environment with the addition of tactical applications, (Must do a fake on every possession). This is where the most fun is.
Striving for Mastery
The whole purpose of SUPERSKILLS & SPIRIT is to develop brilliance on the ball. Some players get more out of the program than others because they strive for mastery. It's been said that you can never really master the ball. Perhaps not, but it sure is fun trying!
Philosophy & Curriculum
A weakness of most coaches is that they pay scant attention to the leadership component of developing very young and adolescent players. Over time, coaches usually develop reasonably astute tactical ability. They are "little commanders" moving men and weapons into different positions to create match-ups of superiority or hide areas of weakness. They have attended tactically-focused coaching courses and read numerous books and magazine articles on strategic teaching and methods. These courses have convinced them that the best way to get success is to use what technical skills and leadership ability their players already have to steal the win against the next opponent. They have wrongly convinced themselves that finding the best way to arrange and use the troops to win is the main purpose of good coaching.
Kids love to play and create. They will spend hours setting up their toys and constructing imaginary scenarios. The natural tendency to be diverse, creative and adventurous is often stifled by the coach who sees the game from a rigid, organizational, win-oriented perspective. The inexperienced young player wants to learn and grow. She needs to be encouraged to experiment. She desires the ball and wants to be taught to do amazing creative things with it. The last thing she wants to do is share it with a teammate.
The normal child desires fun through the satisfaction of the need for active play. This involves great movement and lots of contact with the ball in a creative, free-spirited manner. However, most coaches ask their players to play a position. They first try to give their team structure. Young kids don't want or need positional structure in their games. It takes away from the things they see as most enjoyable, i.e. ball contact, movement and play. Therefore, it takes away part of their motivation and enjoyment. Control freaks need not apply for coaching job.
Modern knowledge of soccer tactics and systems has allowed us to manipulate statistical results and control players in restrictive ways to their detriment. This is a fact that becomes clearer each day as creative development dies and our players fail to achieve their potential. Indeed by disconnecting us from creative license traditional win/profit-oriented coaching has led us into actions so inharmonious with developmental reality that, if we stay the course, a character and creative ability catastrophe seems inevitable for our players. Win-oriented coaching methods, far from telling the truth about how we develop talent and character are myths meant to feed our fading fantasy of ego-based coach power and control.
If we dare to move beyond our fear of losing to practice coaching as a form of maximizing potential and creative character development we might abandon our illusion of control and enter into a partnership with parents in developing truly brilliant humans with spectacular soccer abilities and character. By optimizing our most purist selves we might teach more clearly the actions that are life-empowering and in the process participate more fully in developing elite soccer players and establishing human destiny than we do in our quest for control, winning and profits. This relational way of coaching, in which elite skills, lightning fast tactical speed and creative character development takes away fear, and optimal self-determination replaces control, is a way of teaching that can help us develop phenomenally capable young men and women, the capacity for elite connectedness and truly great team interaction in soccer and life.
Legends embrace new and challenging situations under pressure. Playing the Legends way will expose you to circumstances that constantly make you feel "out of control" on "the edge of chaos". If you embrace the discomfort of the new challenge and do your best to overcome the difficulties, with all their trials, you will adapt and grow in ways that amaze you. is there that the greatest growth occurs.
As a Legends soccer player you'll experience new challenges that can only add to your ability, talent and confidence to attempt more and greater things. You'll open your mind, see difficulties as fun problems to be solved and recognize the immense possibilities the world offers you. Getting outside of your box is essential if you are to become a brave, creator and leader. Play the unique Legends way. There's no blame, shame or guilt; just the fun and freedom that comes with brave, creative, high risk soccer. Legends soccer will broaden your perspective, deepen your character and teach you to how to live the life you want... a good life!